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We will be holding a special salsa social at Peridance after our regularly scheduled beginner class. Admission will be pay-as-you-wish and all proceeds will be donated directly to Guam. Sign-up for the social on Peridance’s website. Or make a donation through us here.

A note from BAILA Society’s director, Ahtoy Juliana:

“Many of you know that I’m from Guam. My people are the indigenous CHamoru, the original inhabitants of Guam and one of the oldest civilizations to cross the Pacific Ocean. I was born on the island, grew up there, and learned to dance there. My family still lives there, and I have strong ties to the community.

Recently Guam was hit by Super Typhoon Mawar, the strongest storm to reach the island in decades. Much of the island’s infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, estimated at $112 million in losses. More than half of the island still does not have electricity or running water and hundreds of families have lost their homes and are sheltering in public spaces. Their losses are immeasurable. Guam is an unincorporated territory of the United States with even less autonomy than Puerto Rico. As a result, federal aid is often slow to arrive and inadequate during disasters like this.

A lot of our salsa students and members of the larger dance community have asked me how they can help. Please consider attending this salsa social or sending a donation to us in lieu of your presence. All proceeds will go directly to families in public shelters through our connections with mutual aid organizations in Guam. In addition, BAILA Society will continue to donate a portion of our profits from ongoing classes and events to Guam over the next few months.

I am deeply grateful for Peridance for donating their space and resources to hold this event. And I am forever thankful to you, my friends and chosen family, for supporting me and my island home during this time.”

Elvis Collado & Ahtoy Juliana performed on Guam in 2016Elvis Collado & Ahtoy performed in Guam in 2016

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